Day 1 A happy starting

1. Record 3 new things that you’re grateful for 

  1. I am grateful that I started this project and am making an effort to see things differently and change my outlook on life.
  2. I am grateful that I was able to sleep in this morning.
  3. I am grateful for having 4 parts to play in the Spectral theatre show.
  4. I am grateful for the acting class I participate in.
  5. I am grateful it is nice outside today.

2. Journal about one positive experience you’ve had

Well today I made the steps to start this project and at first I was feeling like I wouldn’t be able to do it and that it would require too much effort but in my head I knew that the tasks were simple and that all that was required was will power and discipline which I am very familiar with in my past but have some time ago abandoned to live a life of leisurely pursuits which has led to me a lacking in motivation and focus to achieve in areas that I want to but require a monumental effort in my perception. Once I started my first entry I felt an immediate happiness. I have started something that I know I can finish and I am willing to change to do it melting the mental resistance with positive energy and resulting in happiness. Completing the first day of this challenge makes me happy and I hope to carry that through to each day here on in.

3. Exercise

20 minutes of excercise… 200 pushups and 200 situps. should do it. I started feeling noxious after doing a few partial curls on my exercise ball so stopped at about 40 situps and took a nap. I did however walk home from acting class 40 minutes and took the stairs up to my apartment (11 floors) to make up for it.

4. Meditation 

About half an hour of meditation. First 20 minutes thoughts kept surfacing, self revelations and analysis that I am sure at the time were groundbreaking paradigms and neuralpsychological theories about life and thought. I put those thoughts aside to focus on energy work and physical action and that focused my mind and body. I noticed a large radiance of energy from myself and worked with it and then did energy work around myself to calm this energy. I am interested to know how this release of energy is used when acting, should i release it or should i contain it? I think I am supposed to direct it with specific intentions and with interesting usage. the audience will pick up at least unconiously on the use of energy and the use must be delightful and engaging and charasmatic. I will continue the energy work for next meditation mostly because I find the focus on the physical action and energy focuses my mind from stray thoughts. I may start to focus on intention as well as kinestitc response to energy visualization.

5. Random Acts of Kindness

well I posted a thank you to a certain someone for getting me started on this project and another thank you to someone else for being keen on another project I want to start. I know I can be more kind but hey it’s a start and it’s honest kindness and not superficial.

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